Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

9.2 Planning one step at a time_Active citizens

9.2 Planning one step at a time_Active citizens

Q In light of all of our activities and discussions this quarter, it’s time to reflect upon 1) your own values and circumstances to see what part civic engagement can have in your life now or in the future. Be realistic and as honest as you can. 2) What social issue is most important to you? Are you most worried about the environment; are you outraged about kids who don’t have the materials they need to learn when they go to school; is there a law that you feel would improve the lives of people in your community? 3) What small contribution could you make that would address either the cause or the effect of the problem? Are there people in your community already working who could help you to identify a task for you?

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Of all the things that I have got engaged in and tried to make a little contribution to, I think I am most passionate about the environment because I think it is the root of every other issue. I think that when the environment is stable and able to nurture the population, then the problems of the people also will start to lessen, and find more sustainability. In my own little ways and volunteering with many groups, I have helped clean areas, collected and recycled plastic, planted trees, helped demarcate areas with very little greenery and changed landscapes, and also spread awareness among the communities and children. I have realized that when children and communities work individually and in groups, they are more effective in bringing positive change than other institutions where the effort is more a compulsion, and therefore lacks vision and sustainability.